营销中心 招聘 正文




  Principal Accountabilities:

  To know and analyze his market

  To implement the commercial policy defined, by applying the entity's sales methods

  To take responsibility for the WS and dealer accounts in his portfolio

  To sell the products and services of its entity

  Key Qualities Required:

  Good Communication and problem solving experience

  Good sales and negotiation

  Self-motivation, integrity, honesty, credibility, driving

  FMCG and household appliances background is priority

  Driving license


  Above 1 year of experience in sales working

  Bachelor degree

  To be able to understand, speak and write English


  联系方式上班地址:贵阳地图公司信息“Michelin China 米其林中国”


  欲了解更多关于米其林中国的信息,欢迎访问我们的官网:www.michelin.com.cn; www.michelincareers.com

  MICHELIN Group, one of the top Fortune 500 companies, is the world leader in tire technology and innovation. Michelin has established more than 68 factories worldwide with 112,300 employees and contributes to economic and social activity in 170 countries. With its fast business growth in China, Michelin has established 2 WOFEs in Shenyang and Shanghai, a JV, a Research & Development Centre and head office in Shanghai as well as a representative office in Hongkong since 1988. In Taiwan, Michelin Group established Michelin Tire Taiwan Co., Ltd. Till now, we count approximately 6800 employees in P.R.C. The fast developing business creates more exciting job opportunities for highly committed and career-oriented talents to join our team in China.

  For more information about Michelin China, please visit our website: www.michelin.com.cn; www.michelincareers.com

  Michelin China Head quarter office Address: Block 7, No. 518 Fuquan Bei Road, Shanghai

  Tel: (8621) 22855000

来源:中国轮胎商务网打 印关 闭


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